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Financial Safety Tips for Traveling

Travel plans? Let us know before you go

At Space Coast Credit Union, we're looking out for you, and your financial security is a top priority. Let us know when you're traveling out of state or country to ensure your SCCU credit and debit cards continue working without interruptions.

As your financial Watchdog, we have some quick tips to help you make the most of your vacation by worrying less about money and security. Check them out below, and have a safe trip! 

How to Set a Travel Notice at SCCU

To avoid the inconvenience of having card transactions declined due to suspicious card usage, be sure to notify us of your travel plans. You can call us or:
SCCU Mobile app: Tap the Menu, Messages, Secure Forms, and Visa Card Travel Notification.
Online Banking: Click Contact Us, Secure Forms, and Visa Card Travel Notification.

Report a Lost or Stolen SCCU Card

If you notice your SCCU debit or credit card has been lost or stolen, immediately reach out to us or visit any of our branches to report the problem.

If possible, be sure to turn your cards "off" in Card Controls, which is downloadable through your SCCU Mobile app. 

Quick Tips for Traveling

  Keep Your Contact Info Up to Date

Make sure we have your most up-to-date mobile phone number so we can contact you via text or call if fraud is suspected. You may update your contact information on our mobile app, through Online Banking, or by calling our Member Service Center.

✓  Enroll in 2Way Text

SCCU offers 2Way Text Fraud Alerts for your SCCU Visa® debit and credit cards. We’ll notify you in real-time through text message upon detecting possible fraudulent activity on your cards. As a courtesy, all SCCU debit and credit cardholders are automatically enrolled in this FREE fraud service, with the choice to opt-out by texting “Stop” when you receive a fraud text alert from us.

 Access Card Controls 

Control and monitor your SCCU debit and credit card usage from the SCCU Mobile app. Card Controls allows you to set up real-time alerts when your card is used, turn your cards on and off at your convenience, and customize controls based on merchant type, and location—which is perfect for traveling! Make sure to have the most current version of the SCCU Mobile app today and start controlling your cards!

 Make Copies of Important Documents

Make copies of important credit cards, driver’s licenses, passports, and insurance cards to keep with you but carry them separately from where you are keeping the originals. It is also recommended to keep another set of copies with a trusted person you are not traveling with, while you are away.

✓  Pack More Than One Card

Packing additional cards and carrying them in separate places may be helpful in more than one way. Although your SCCU Visa® debit and credit cards are accepted in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide, having an additional card from a separate credit card issuer betters your chances of always having an accepted credit card for purchases. Packing a second credit card also increases your chances of having a card to use if your primary card is lost or stolen.

 Use a Primary Credit Card for All Trip Purchases 

Consider using a primary credit card when you are away from home for an extended period. This will allow you to better track expenses and identify charges that may seem out of the norm. Your digital wallet is also another ideal way to make purchases while traveling because it has additional security layers. Learn more about digital wallets.

Want to Learn More?

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